Downloading Precompiled Jars

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You can download jADT from its Github download page.

At minimum, you'll need jADT-core-0.3.0.jar.

If you're using Apache Ant you'll want jADT-ant-0.3.0.jar.

Source and javadoc jars may help in debugging issues, but probably aren't necessary for most people.

If you want to develop something on top of jADT-core, e.g. a plugin for another build system, you may also acquire the core library from Maven central.


Building From Source

Get familiar with Github and Maven then fork and build.

    cd myprojectworkspace
    git clone jADT  # to fork into myprojectworkspace/jADT
    cd jADT
    mvn compile # to compile into myprojectworkspace/jADT/jADT-core/target/classes 
                # and myprojectworkspace/jADT/jADT-ant/target/classes
    mvn test    # to run the tests
    mvn package # to create the jars in myprojectworkspace/jADT/jADT-core/target
                # and myprojectworkspace/jADT/jADT-ant/target

    mvn install # to install the jars in your local maven repository
    mvn site:site site:stage # to create all this pretty documentation 
                             # at myprojectworkspace/jADT/target/staging/index.html

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